Online Live Courses


Bringing you the classroom experience at home. Upgrade your skills from the comfort of your home this month as we initiate our online live - Yes, Live! - training for all courses. Engage with our trainers and other students in real time!


Our Center has initiated our online live training to continue upgrading people everyday. All courses are live-streamed by our trainers.


SSG Funded courses are available for the Online Live Training. Contact our course consultant to know more about the steps on getting on board with the Online Live Funded Courses training. Webcam is required for Funded Courses for verification purposes.


Engagement is key in our training. Ask questions in real-time during the course. Our trainers will answer to your questions in real-time. Share your experience or knowledge with other students. Keep track of your progress during the course.

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Online LIVE Learning Provides the Same Great Learning Experience as the Classroom

Online LIVE Learning provides the same high-quality education, including live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs, as a traditional classroom training, all while gaining flexibility.


Online LIVE learning allows you to:

Participate in discussions via live video and audio feeds

With just a webcam and a simple headset, and of course an internet connection, you can experience a classroom environment from home.

View documents and presentations in real time

Keep up with the class progress by referring to the same slide as the trainer.

Perform virtual labs for hands-on experience

Access Labs (for certain courses) at home. You will be able to do hands-on activities with guidance from the trainer.

Participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow students

Interact, discuss, ask questions, and share your screen with the trainer and other students. Participate in Lab Activities together as a class.

Comprehensive Learning Environment

ITEL Learning Systems’s Online LIVE Learning platform has minimal technical requirements and is easy to operate, giving you access to training from home, the office, or even when you are on the road.

In addition, ITEL Learning Systems gives you access to an OLL learning lab where you can view your courses, ensuring your success. You will also receive on-site learning support, providing you the opportunity to have a focused environment without distractions if you choose.

Online LIVE Learning also gives you access to the client and server technologies covered in class via ITEL Learning Systems’ Labs on Demand. This means you have remote access to the technology you are learning to test and apply your new skills on real equipment. You also have the flexibility to access labs before and after actual class hours, providing you with ample time to gain extra experience.

The Many Benefits of Online LIVE Learning from ITEL Learning Systems

Through Online LIVE, you have access to expert instructors in real time, while having more course dates and time available. Also, there is no need to worry about class cancellations, since all courses are guaranteed to run.

Accessible from any computer with an Internet connection, Online LIVE learning reduces your travel costs by allowing you to learn from almost any location. For managers, Online LIVE Learning at ITEL Learning Systems can also give your employees uniform training, even if you have a distributed workforce.

Account Executives at ITEL Learning Systems can answer all your questions or set up your training.

Call us at 6822 8282 or email us at

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