Amazon Invests $12 Billion in Singapore’s AI Sector

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has set its sights on Singapore, making a significant investment of $12 billi workshops with at least 100 enterprises in Singapore. AWS will expand cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) projects while expanding its on over the next four years. It will hold some workshops with at least 100 enterprises in Singapore. They are going to expand cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) projects while expanding their operations in the region.  

Announced during the AWS Summit at Marina Bay Sands on May 7, Amazon has invested $23.5 billion in Singapore. AWS country manager Priscilla Chong said they will use this funding to expand their operations in the Asia-Pacific region. Including the salaries for staff, importing more specialised equipment, and expanding its data centre infrastructure. 

This investment also helps AWS meet the growing demand for AI tools, particularly generative AI, which requires substantial computational power. According to Ms. Chong, this investment is expected to contribute approximately $23.7 billion to the Republic’s gross domestic product (GDP) and support more than 12,300 jobs by businesses leveraging AWS cloud services until 2028. 

Despite global economic challenges, Amazon’s market share is estimated to be above 30 percent surpassing Google and Microsoft. Their investment in Singapore’s AI sector become the largest one in the nation.  

In addition to its financial commitment, AWS collaborates with the InfoComm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to launch the AWS AI Spring program to accelerate AI adoption among Singaporean enterprises through workshops and consulting services.  

Over the next two years, the AWS AI Spring program plans to conduct four workshops. The program will focus on six key areas over the next two years, including the public sector, local enterprises, start-ups, and research and development. 

AWS will offer organisations access to its suite of generative AI tools and expertise. Meanwhile, IMDA will provide support to eligible firms through funding to develop and deploy their AI solutions, such as customer service chatbots and analytical tools. 

The AI Spring program also extends its reach to students, aiming to train 5,000 individuals annually from universities, polytechnics, and the Institute of Technical Education until 2026 to acquire AI skills. They will facilitate learning and experimentation with their AI technology. 

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