This 5-day course provides participants with the skills to develop mobile applications using software development methodologies and design thinking based on relevant industry standards. It also addresses common issues that arise in mobile application development, including the pros and cons of different mobile operating systems. Additionally, the course covers best practices for mobile applications to adhere to privacy guidelines, organizational mobile device/IT security policies, and regulatory requirements.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Mobile Application Essentials
- Introduction
- Mobile Operating Systems
- Identifying Your Target Audience
- Mobile Application Industry Standards
- Mobile Application Design Best Practices
- Mobile Application Privacy Guidelines
- Mobile Application Security Concerns
- Mobile Application Development Methodologies
- Mobile Application Specification and Design Documents
- Communicating the Technical Detailed Design to the Mobile Development Team
Lesson 2: Android Application Development
- Android Framework and Android Studio
- Android SDK Tools and Activity Class
- Fragments, Views, and ListView
- Intents, Intent Filters, and Deep Linking
- Android Layouts and Custom Views
- Android Resources, Themes, and Material Design
- Android UI Dialogs, Menus, and WebView
- Android Storage and Background Processing
- Android Storage: SQLite and Content Providers
- Android Notifications
- Location-Aware Apps Using GPS and Other Providers
Lesson 3: Android Security Essentials
- Permissions
- Managing the Policy File
- User Data Privacy and Protection
- Securing Storage